id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 23,1,2,9,2,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Jesus Christ.",1 24,1,2,9,2,"[""fuck""]",It's not the fucking X-Files.,1 25,1,2,9,6,"[""hell""]",I still can't‒what the hell is that?,0 26,1,2,9,2,"[""fuck""]",We've just seen a film of you breaching the fucking pie!,1 27,1,2,9,6,"[""shit""]",'Cause it ended up being dogshit!,1 28,1,2,9,6,"[""shit""]","But you would've thought that dog shit was steak, to be fair.",1 29,1,2,9,6,"[""shit"",""shit"",""shit""]","This is bullshit, man. Utter bullshit. Utter bullshit.",1