id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1620,-4,117,654,2,"[""dick""]",I barely noticed that you had put a grape on a pulley system... powered by a dickhead.,1 1621,-4,117,654,86,"[""fuck""]",It's a fucking angel cherub.,1 1622,-4,117,654,83,"[""dick""]",But the only thing from the weapon that Officer Dickhead could find was the stalk of the grape.,1 1623,-4,117,654,2,"[""shit""]","A, you've learnt to suck up to me, which I appreciate. And B, you've learnt not to do shit stuff.",1 1624,-4,117,654,2,"[""fuck"",""dick""]",We can go the other way if you want. If you wanna be a fucking dick about it.,1