id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1445,12,99,560,71,"[""ass/arse""]","The whole thing was a pain in the arse, this one, wasn't it?",1 1446,12,99,560,70,"[""shit""]",The worst shit I've ever...,1 1447,12,99,560,69,"[""fuck""]",Fuck me in the face!,0 1448,12,99,560,70,"[""fuck""]",Who the fuck is Veronica?!,0 1449,12,99,560,70,"[""shit"",""shit""]",♪ This task... is shit. Got four hours to get to the end... task is bullshit! ♪,0 1450,12,99,560,71,"[""fuck""]","Oh, my god, you've only gone and fucking done it!",0