id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1068,9,71,411,49,"[""fuck"",""shit""]",Are you fucking shitting me?,0 1069,9,71,411,49,"[""twat""]","♪ Why didn't you do this first, you stupid twat? ♪",0 1070,9,71,411,49,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell!,0 1071,9,71,411,48,"[""bollock""]",Bollocks.,0 1072,9,71,411,52,"[""fuck""]","I'm gonna stick to my guns, fuck it.",0 1073,9,71,411,48,"[""fuck""]","Well there you are, I liberated the fucking egg!",1 1074,9,71,411,50,"[""fuck""]","I have a lot of joy in my life, just not standing on a bit of fucking wasteland.",1