id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 988,9,66,386,48,"[""bollock""]",Is this going to be some kind of Sudoku-style bollocks?,0 989,9,66,386,52,"[""fuck""]","Three's gotta be upside down. This is a mind-fuck, actually.",0 990,9,66,386,51,"[""shit""]",This is gonna look absolutely dogshit.,0 991,9,66,386,48,"[""bollock""]",Tiny bit of bollock.,0 992,9,66,386,2,"[""shit""]",That is some kind of Sudoku bullshit.,1 993,9,66,386,1,"[""bollock""]","And he says normal person but just below the lip, right in the middle, that's a little bit of bollock.",1 994,9,66,386,49,"[""fuck""]","David, why the fuck are you talking now?!",1