id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 930,8,62,364,44,"[""shit""]","It's like a sort of metaphor for just life and the future, isn't it? Could be different, but all shit.",0 931,8,62,364,2,"[""shit""]",Nice that in this episode Joe finally works out that this entire show is a metaphor for how shit life is.,1 932,8,62,364,46,"[""bugger""]",Not going to bugger it up any more than I have to.,0 933,8,62,364,2,"[""Christ""]",Christ!,1 934,8,62,364,2,"[""shit""]",It's so shit!,1 935,8,62,364,45,"[""fuck""]","Fuck off! Honestly, I can't actually believe this.",1