id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1,1,1,1,6,"[""shit""]",I think we can all agree it's the shittest present in the history of humanity.,1 2,1,1,1,6,"[""piss""]",You know the granules? The snow density is piss-poor.,1 4,1,1,2,6,"[""shit""]","And then when I threw it I was like, ""Holy shit, that has...""",1 6,1,1,2,6,"[""bitch""]",Son of a bitch!,1 8,1,1,3,6,"[""shit""]",What a pile of horse shit.,0 15,1,1,6,6,"[""shit""]","On the plus side, I don't have that dogshit snow globe any more.",1 16,1,2,7,6,"[""shit""]","The category is not ""shit that would be great at a party"".",1 17,1,2,7,6,"[""piss""]",Old pisshead here's just got a massive bottle of champagne.,1 19,1,2,7,6,"[""shit""]","This is bullshit, man.",1 25,1,2,9,6,"[""hell""]",I still can't‒what the hell is that?,0 27,1,2,9,6,"[""shit""]",'Cause it ended up being dogshit!,1 28,1,2,9,6,"[""shit""]","But you would've thought that dog shit was steak, to be fair.",1 29,1,2,9,6,"[""shit"",""shit"",""shit""]","This is bullshit, man. Utter bullshit. Utter bullshit.",1 31,1,2,10,6,"[""shit""]","♪ Tree Wizard, magical hands and‒holy shit, it's another balloon ♪",0 37,1,3,12,6,"[""fuck""]","But what the fuck was that, man?",1 39,1,3,13,6,"[""fuck""]",Fuck you!,0 40,1,3,13,6,"[""fuck""]","Fuck you! Oh, my god!",0 47,1,3,16,6,"[""fuck""]",Fuck.,0 48,1,3,16,6,"[""hell""]",I don't know what the hell to do.,0 49,1,3,16,6,"[""bollock""]","Oh, bollocks.",0 51,1,3,16,6,"[""piss""]","Like, you're really pissing me off tonight, man.",1 53,1,3,17,6,"[""fuck""]",Fuck you.,1 55,1,4,19,6,"[""shit""]","Well, it doesn't have a happy ending unfortunately, 'cause he is a shithead now, but...",1 56,1,4,19,6,"[""shit""]",Are you shitting me right now?,1 59,1,4,20,6,"[""shit""]",Now I'm gonna try and smash the shit out the rest of it.,0 60,1,4,21,6,"[""damn""]","I gotta be honest with you, I feel pretty damn good.",0 62,1,4,23,6,"[""hell""]",What does that mean? What the hell does that mean?,0 68,1,4,23,6,"[""Christ""]","Oh, for Christ's sake. It's doing my head in already, this.",0 71,1,4,24,6,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",0 72,1,4,24,6,"[""fuck""]",Fuck!,0 73,1,4,24,6,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck me!",0 74,1,4,24,6,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit.",0 75,1,4,24,6,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit.",0 81,1,5,27,6,"[""bitch""]","Well, deal with it, bitch!",1 82,1,5,28,6,"[""shit""]","When he turned up he said, ""You'll never guess, some crazy shithead wanted me to go to Camber Sands.""",1 83,1,5,28,6,"[""prick""]",Do you understand why I can't deal with Mo? Mo is a prick!,1 90,1,6,33,6,"[""prick""]","It's backfired, I look like a prick now.",1 91,1,6,34,6,"[""shit""]",Shit.,0 92,1,6,34,6,"[""shit"",""shit""]",Shit. Shit!,0 97,1,6,35,6,"[""shit""]","""Oh, shit! Paddling pool, out of nowhere!""",1 98,1,6,35,6,"[""shit""]",It is a lot shitter than I thought it was gonna look.,1 99,1,6,35,6,"[""shit""]",And then I waited for the reveal and then there was none and then we had to defend that dogshit.,1 102,1,6,36,6,"[""fuck""]","Oh, for fuck's sake!",0