id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 973,9,65,381,50,"[""fuck"",""ass/arse""]","Oh, fuck it, I’m going to accuse this of being a dodo 'cause I can't be arsed to go any further.",0 983,9,65,383,50,"[""fuck""]",I’ve finished me fucking snake!,1 995,9,66,387,50,"[""shit""]","Guantanamo Bay. Oh, G, sorry. Shit.",0 997,9,66,387,50,"[""fuck""]",It told us to make a fucking sandwich.,1 998,9,66,387,50,"[""fuck""]",I did know we were doing it against the clock and I didn't give a fuck!,1 1016,9,67,393,50,"[""fuck"",""fuck""]","Yeah, and didn't fucking eat it. Just got on with it, like a quiet, nerdy fuckwit.",1 1055,9,70,407,50,"[""bollock""]","Bollocks, Alex.",1 1056,9,70,409,50,"[""fuck""]","Well, fuck off.",1 1066,9,71,410,50,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck it, I wish it was.",1 1074,9,71,411,50,"[""fuck""]","I have a lot of joy in my life, just not standing on a bit of fucking wasteland.",1 1076,9,71,412,50,"[""fuck""]",That's what fucking Mount Rushmore looks like.,1 1080,9,71,412,50,"[""fuck"",""piss""]",I don't want your fucking pity point! Piss off with it.,1 1082,9,71,412,50,"[""piss""]",Piss off!,1 1088,9,71,414,50,"[""piss""]","Piece of piss, ladies and gentlemen.",1 1089,9,71,414,50,"[""shit""]",Just having a shit.,1 1091,9,72,415,50,"[""cock""]",So he's having to transport his cock in a wheelbarrow?,1 1093,9,72,416,50,"[""ass/arse""]","But then again, I'm quite lazy so I can't be arsed to walk very far.",0 1094,9,72,416,50,"[""bollock""]","Oh bollocks, that was terrible.",0 1096,9,72,417,50,"[""twat""]","♪ Alex is great, Greg is a twat. Alex is thin, Greg's really fat. ♪",0 1104,9,73,422,50,"[""fuck""]","Why won't my earring work? Oh, fuck it.",0 1105,9,73,422,50,"[""fuck""]",Fuck off!,1 1111,9,73,424,50,"[""fuck""]",Fuck knows.,1 1117,9,74,426,50,"[""bollock""]","Oh bollocks, my chickpea's disintegrated.",0 1123,9,74,427,50,"[""bollock""]","Bollocks. Come here, we need to get some of that out.",0 1124,9,74,427,50,"[""shit""]",'Cause I thought I might have a shit while it was brewing.,1 1128,9,74,428,50,"[""bastard""]",You little bastard!,0 1130,9,74,428,50,"[""fuck""]","Fuck's sake. I mean, oh, dear.",0