id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 972,9,65,381,49,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ.",0 994,9,66,386,49,"[""fuck""]","David, why the fuck are you talking now?!",1 999,9,66,388,49,"[""fuck""]","Oh, you motherfucker.",1 1006,9,67,390,49,"[""fuck"",""hell""]","Oh, fucking hell.",0 1014,9,67,393,49,"[""ass/arse""]","Why have you done it like this, Ed, you absolute arsehole.",0 1026,9,68,397,49,"[""fuck""]","I've got three sensitivity levels. And I'll be honest, I'm on my top fucking one right now!",1 1030,9,68,398,49,"[""fuck""]","Fuck it, I call 'em cups.",1 1031,9,68,399,49,"[""shit""]",Absolute bullshit.,1 1037,9,69,400,49,"[""piss""]",I didn't know there were that many types of piss.,1 1040,9,69,401,49,"[""shit""]",Turns out I am shit at lasso. Don't look at your watch!,0 1048,9,69,403,49,"[""fuck""]","You didn't have a system because you just walked in, didn't give a fuck, and then left again!",1 1049,9,69,404,49,"[""fuck""]","Fuck you, Matafeo!",1 1064,9,71,410,49,"[""shit""]","Yeah, but it looks like she wouldn't give a shit.",1 1068,9,71,411,49,"[""fuck"",""shit""]",Are you fucking shitting me?,0 1069,9,71,411,49,"[""twat""]","♪ Why didn't you do this first, you stupid twat? ♪",0 1070,9,71,411,49,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell!,0 1102,9,73,421,49,"[""shit""]",Are you shitting me?!,1 1106,9,73,422,49,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, fuck that.",0 1107,9,73,423,49,"[""fuck""]","I'll tell you what would be nice, maybe some tissues to clean off all the fucking blood off my knees.",0 1109,9,73,424,49,"[""fuck""]",What the living fuck have you done?!,1 1110,9,73,424,49,"[""prick""]","David, you prick!",1 1121,9,74,426,49,"[""fuck""]",How do you feel that ten minutes later I dug that chickpea up and fucked it?,1 1125,9,74,428,49,"[""fuck""]","Were you just thinking, ""Why have they saved this boring task for the end of the series?"" Because fuck me, strap in, mate.",1 1129,9,74,428,49,"[""prick""]","Get in, ya prick!",0 1131,9,74,428,49,"[""dick""]","If you ask me that one more time, I am shoving this jigsaw up your dick.",0 1132,9,74,428,49,"[""fuck""]",Go fuck yourself.,0 1133,9,74,428,49,"[""fuck""]",That was the worst day of my fucking life!,1 1134,9,74,428,49,"[""fuck""]",Fucking fly!,1