id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 728,7,46,271,39,"[""shit""]","No, because it had done some bad... shit.",1 735,7,47,277,39,"[""shit""]","They're all quite shit, the prizes, aren't they?",1 737,7,47,279,39,"[""fuck""]",I don't know and I don't fucking know.,1 777,7,49,289,39,"[""fuck""]",I asked for a fucking hot air balloon and they wouldn't give it to me!,1 792,7,50,294,39,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, we fucking have!",1 810,7,51,301,39,"[""hell""]",Bloody hell.,1 820,7,52,307,39,"[""ass/arse""]","Well, you can't compete with Alex's arse, can you?",1 851,7,53,315,39,"[""fuck""]",We have to measure the six foot fucking eight.,0 852,7,53,315,39,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck!",0 873,7,54,322,39,"[""fuck""]","Ooh! Sneaky little fucker, aren't you?",1