id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 382,5,26,155,25,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell. Mate!,0 390,5,27,158,25,"[""Christ""]","Ah, Christ on toast.",0 392,5,27,158,25,"[""Christ""]","I mean, that must be enough, surely to Christ.",0 407,5,28,163,25,"[""shit""]",And you know that because of the surprise in Alex's eyes that it wasn't total shit.,1 428,5,29,175,25,"[""fuck""]","Four and five, but who knows what the fucking truth is?",1 432,5,30,178,25,"[""prick""]","You do feel sort of a bit of a prick, yeah.",1 457,5,31,188,25,"[""prick""]","Why can't I get the coat hanger on there? Come on, you prick!",1 462,5,32,189,25,"[""hell""]","I know, in fact, 'cause it was a hell of a hassle to get it here.",1 475,5,32,191,25,"[""piss""]",So people in Dumfries and Galloway piss about ten times as much as people in East Sussex?,1