id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 718,7,45,265,2,"[""fuck""]","Peter, looks like it's fucking true, doesn't it?",1 719,7,45,267,38,"[""damn""]",The goddamn stingers.,0 720,7,45,267,41,"[""dick""]","I just wanted to make an homage to one of the greatest Asian entertainers in history, and also you get to see my dick and balls.",1 721,7,45,267,38,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit. That is too high.",0 722,7,45,267,42,"[""shit""]",Back-stabbing little shit.,1 723,7,45,268,42,"[""cock""]","Were you also partly thinking, ""Everyone's gonna be so focused on my cock and balls, they won't actually see what I'm doing""?",1 724,7,45,268,42,"[""bollock""]",Bollocks!,1 725,7,46,,2,"[""fuck""]","That is gonna fucking hurt, isn't it?",1 726,7,46,270,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ.,1 727,7,46,271,41,"[""dick""]","I also regret saying ""oral tradition"" while my dick was out.",1 728,7,46,271,39,"[""shit""]","No, because it had done some bad... shit.",1 729,7,46,272,38,"[""dick""]","That's the task, don't look at Wang's dick?",0 730,7,46,272,2,"[""dick""]","A lovely hug from the ladies, and you exclusively talked about Phil's dick.",1 731,7,46,272,38,"[""fuck""]",Fuck me.,0 732,7,46,274,1,"[""Christ""]",It's like Michael J. Fox or Jesus H. Christ.,1 733,7,46,274,2,"[""ass/arse""]","Gotta be pleased with that, you being all smartarse with your map.",1 734,7,47,277,38,"[""fuck""]",Fuck off!,1 735,7,47,277,39,"[""shit""]","They're all quite shit, the prizes, aren't they?",1 736,7,47,278,2,"[""Christ""]","Jesus Christ, what's wrong?",1 737,7,47,279,39,"[""fuck""]",I don't know and I don't fucking know.,1 738,7,47,279,2,"[""shit""]","""Great, this is an opportunity for me to drop dog shit onto the face of a friend I've had for 15 years.""",1 739,7,47,279,2,"[""prick""]","Well, you're a very rude prick.",1 740,7,47,279,2,"[""Christ""]","Phil... I mean, Jesus Christ.",1 741,7,47,279,41,"[""shit""]","I'm sorry I didn't shit on your face, Greg.",1 742,7,47,279,2,"[""shit""]",My least favourite noise was the sound of dog shit being dropped onto my face.,1 743,7,47,280,38,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck you.",0 744,7,47,280,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell.,1 745,7,47,280,42,"[""shit""]","People say my ADHD makes me shit at problem-solving. No, sir!",0 746,7,47,280,42,"[""hell""]",Bloody hell.,1 747,7,48,,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ! Can we just get on with it?,1 748,7,48,,2,"[""fuck""]",Alex gets these few moments to say whatever he wants and this is what he's chosen to fucking say.,1 749,7,48,282,2,"[""Christ""]","Jesus Christ, yes!",1 750,7,48,282,40,"[""fuck""]","I sometimes just don't watch films, like the Matrix, 'cause I can't be fucked to plug it in.",1 751,7,48,282,2,"[""fuck""]","Gonna write that quote down. ""Can't be fucked to plug it in.""",1 752,7,48,282,2,"[""fuck""]","Godliman sums things up again: ""Bosh! Can't be fucked!""",1 753,7,48,282,38,"[""fuck""]",Can't be fucked to plug it in.,1 754,7,48,282,2,"[""prick""]","It's confusing how you're getting away with using this picture and still getting laughs, you prick.",1 755,7,48,282,38,"[""pussy""]","Oh, just open the box, you pussy!",1 756,7,48,282,2,"[""hell""]",What the hell was that all about?,1 757,7,48,282,2,"[""pussy""]","I'm sorry, James, and this isn't because you called me a pussy.",1 758,7,48,283,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1 759,7,48,283,42,"[""prick""]",I wish that prick was electrocuted in the studio if I flicked that.,0 760,7,48,283,42,"[""fuck""]","Take that, you fizzy fuck, now, aren't you?",0 761,7,48,283,38,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell.,0 762,7,48,283,2,"[""fuck""]","""Did you enjoy that, Kerry?"" ""No, I fuckin' didn't.""",1 763,7,48,284,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell.,1 764,7,48,284,42,"[""tits""]",All you've done is shove a bloody Brillo Pad in your tits.,1 765,7,48,284,2,"[""tits""]","When Rhod accused you of putting a Brillo Pad on your tits, James Acaster went like this.",1 766,7,48,284,40,"[""tits""]","That was mainly 'cause of the word ""tits"".",1 767,7,48,285,41,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",0 768,7,48,285,41,"[""damn""]",Hot damn! We're in business.,0 769,7,48,285,40,"[""shit""]","Oh! Oh! Not so shit, then.",1 770,7,49,288,41,"[""shit""]",I don't think anyone's gonna have a worse gift than literal shit on the toilet paper.,1 771,7,49,289,2,"[""shit""]",That was shit... on so many levels.,1 772,7,49,289,40,"[""fuck""]","All right, fuck you.",1 773,7,49,289,1,"[""hell""]",Bloody hell.,0 774,7,49,289,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1 775,7,49,289,42,"[""shit""]","At the time, I was shitting myself.",1 776,7,49,289,2,"[""shit""]",My heart was genuinely pounding and yet I'm still thinking about how shit Kerry's was.,1 777,7,49,289,39,"[""fuck""]",I asked for a fucking hot air balloon and they wouldn't give it to me!,1 778,7,49,290,38,"[""shit""]",That's shit.,0 779,7,49,290,2,"[""Christ""]","I mean, Jesus Christ, where do I...?",1 780,7,49,290,41,"[""shit""]","Ah, shit! That wasn't too bad!",0 781,7,49,290,41,"[""fuck""]","Fuck, look at that!",0 782,7,49,290,41,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit. That was okay.",0 783,7,49,290,2,"[""hell""]","""Y'all""? What the hell's happened there?",1 784,7,49,292,2,"[""hell""]",How the hell was it done?,1 785,7,49,293,40,"[""shit""]","OK, so we're just dangling shit.",1 786,7,49,293,2,"[""fuck""]",I'll be watching you like a fucking hawk!,1 787,7,50,,2,"[""hell""]",It's gonna be one hell of a night.,1 788,7,50,294,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]","Oh, fucking hell.",1 789,7,50,294,2,"[""fuck""]","You think that's going to go up and it's like Bullseye, there's gonna be a fucking camper van up there?",1 790,7,50,294,2,"[""prick""]",Ya prick.,1 791,7,50,294,2,"[""prick""]","I'm giving you four points 'cause the pie looks nice, and I can't wait to see this prick eat it.",1 792,7,50,294,39,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, we fucking have!",1 793,7,50,296,38,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit! I should've gone for something more varied than this.",0 794,7,50,296,42,"[""shit""]",Arms I forgot. Shit!,0 795,7,50,296,2,"[""hell""]",What the hell's that oblong on my face?,1 796,7,50,296,41,"[""shit""]",That's shit. That's really bad. Please.,1 797,7,50,296,2,"[""Christ""]","But Jesus Christ, if I could give you ten, I would.",1 798,7,50,297,2,"[""fuck""]","""Right, I see what we're doin'. Fuck, let's do it. Bosh!""",1 799,7,50,298,38,"[""damn""]",That is a goddamn miracle that I did that.,0 800,7,50,298,38,"[""ass/arse""]","""How do you want me to transport the rest?"" I'd go, ""Up your ass.""",0 801,7,50,298,38,"[""ass/arse""]","""Try not to break 'em. Smallest arse wins.""",0 802,7,50,298,42,"[""dick""]",Such a dick!,0 803,7,50,299,42,"[""fuck""]","No, pass it up, you fucking idiot!",1 804,7,51,300,40,"[""shit""]","Okay, I see where you're coming from. That it's shit.",1 805,7,51,300,2,"[""fuck""]","The glove puppets were my sister's, so fuck you.",1 806,7,51,300,42,"[""fuck""]","Well, I think that ""fuck you"" should be directed at your mother, because she said you'd say that.",1 807,7,51,300,2,"[""shit""]",It seems they're just an old pair of glasses and a lot of bullshit.,1 808,7,51,300,2,"[""shit""]","These three, absolutely shit.",1 809,7,51,301,41,"[""damn""]",Hot damn!,1 810,7,51,301,39,"[""hell""]",Bloody hell.,1 811,7,51,302,42,"[""fuck""]","I mean, this is fucking agony.",0 812,7,51,303,41,"[""fuck""]",He named me foreman and then fucked off.,1 813,7,51,303,38,"[""fuck""]","And then just kind of looked at us like, ""What the fuck you gonna do about that?""",1 814,7,51,303,38,"[""shit""]","I didn't know he'd also gone, ""Oh, the perfect stuff."" And then done that shit!",1 815,7,51,304,41,"[""shit""]",Holy shit!,1 816,7,51,305,2,"[""shit""]",Shit.,1 817,7,52,306,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1