id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 350,5,25,146,2,"[""shit""]",Shit.,1 351,5,25,146,2,"[""prick""]","Right, let's smoke these pricks out.",1 352,5,25,147,23,"[""wank""]","You're like, ""I'm gonna have to wank this guy off.""",1 353,5,25,147,2,"[""hell""]",Hell of an opener!,1 354,5,25,147,24,"[""ass/arse""]",Can you turn your arse towards me?,0 355,5,25,148,23,"[""Christ""]","I mean, don't avert your eyes like you're disgusted. Jesus Christ!",0 356,5,25,148,23,"[""shit""]","Well, I didn't shit myself, Sally.",1 357,5,25,148,24,"[""shit""]",Didn't have a shit.,1 358,5,25,149,23,"[""shit""]",Shite.,0 359,5,25,150,26,"[""piss"",""shit""]",Piss and shit!,1 360,5,25,150,23,"[""prick""]","Oh, you prick!",1 361,5,25,150,2,"[""fuck""]",And we've learnt that Mark Watson looks like a fucking heron.,1 362,5,26,151,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1 363,5,26,152,26,"[""shit"",""piss""]",Shitting piss!,0 364,5,26,152,23,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,1 365,5,26,153,24,"[""fuck""]","And she said it had never needed painting since, 'cause it fuckin' burnt down.",0 366,5,26,153,24,"[""shit""]","Shit, it's thick!",0 367,5,26,153,2,"[""shit""]","And my favourite quote of the show so far: ""Shit, it's thick!""",1 368,5,26,153,2,"[""shit""]",I think there's a bigger issue for us to discuss and that's the fact that the leprechaun appears to be smeared in its own shit.,1 369,5,26,153,26,"[""shit"",""piss""]","Oh, shit and piss!",0 370,5,26,153,2,"[""shit""]",Absolute horse shit.,1 371,5,26,153,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ! Rainbows have only got one physical characteristic.,1 372,5,26,153,2,"[""shit""]",But I can't prove that leprechauns don't smear shit everywhere.,1 373,5,26,154,26,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,0 374,5,26,154,26,"[""shit"",""piss""]","Oh, shit and piss!",0 375,5,26,154,26,"[""fuck""]","When you got that grill out, I was like, ""This guy's a fuckin' genius.""",1 376,5,26,155,24,"[""piss""]","All green apart from one that's yellow, and that's the piss bomb.",0 377,5,26,155,2,"[""piss""]","Interesting suggestion, have one balloon full of piss?",1 378,5,26,155,27,"[""piss""]",We agreed that Bob was going to gently piss a tiny bit into a balloon.,1 379,5,26,155,27,"[""piss""]",That's the one with piss in it!,0 380,5,26,155,23,"[""piss""]",That's the one of piss!,0 381,5,26,155,2,"[""piss""]","Presumably, from a piss-drenched woman.",1 382,5,26,155,25,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell. Mate!,0 383,5,26,155,2,"[""piss""]","And, you know, Sally took a faceful of piss for the show.",1 384,5,26,156,26,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",1 385,5,26,156,2,"[""shit""]","There was doubt in my mind 'cause, well, his painting's shit.",1 386,5,27,158,26,"[""dick""]",A big old robot dick.,0 387,5,27,158,2,"[""dick""]",From big old robot dicks to the rules.,1 388,5,27,158,2,"[""piss""]","So, in summary, Aisling entered the room, she got pissed... and turned the tube upside-down.",1 389,5,27,158,2,"[""prick""]","Yeah, let's see these pricks.",1 390,5,27,158,25,"[""Christ""]","Ah, Christ on toast.",0 391,5,27,158,26,"[""shit""]",Is there clingfilm? Holy shit!,0 392,5,27,158,25,"[""Christ""]","I mean, that must be enough, surely to Christ.",0 393,5,27,158,24,"[""fuck""]","Ooh, fuck off!",0 394,5,27,158,24,"[""shit""]","That's a shitty moment, for me, wasn't it?",0 395,5,27,158,2,"[""hell""]","It was a hell of a performance, Bob.",1 396,5,27,158,2,"[""hell""]",But was it a hell of a performance timing-wise?,1 397,5,27,158,2,"[""fuck""]",Fuckin'...!,1 398,5,27,159,24,"[""fuck""]",And I'm a fucking businessman!,0 399,5,27,160,2,"[""fuck""]","Brilliant throwing, too fucked to get on a table.",1 400,5,27,161,26,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",1 401,5,28,162,2,"[""fuck""]","""We're not gonna play another gig."" Why not fucking grow up?",1 402,5,28,162,2,"[""shit""]",Shit!,1 403,5,28,162,24,"[""fuck""]","If you get that, you got the big fucker.",1 404,5,28,163,26,"[""shit""]",How much would you give me to take a shit in this right now?,0 405,5,28,163,27,"[""piss""]",I'll just get him pissed. What about absinthe?,0 406,5,28,163,24,"[""shit""]",Shit!,0 407,5,28,163,25,"[""shit""]",And you know that because of the surprise in Alex's eyes that it wasn't total shit.,1 408,5,28,163,24,"[""fuck""]","Ooh, fuck!",1 409,5,28,163,2,"[""fuck""]","[Alex] told me behind your back that it tasted, and I quote, ""fuck-all like Marmite"".",1 410,5,28,164,24,"[""fuck"",""shit""]",I was fuckin' shit.,0 411,5,28,166,2,"[""fuck""]",Absolutely fuck-all.,1 412,5,28,168,23,"[""hell""]",What the hell is that?,1 413,5,29,170,2,"[""fuck""]","The last thing I said as I left that gig was, ""Who loses fucking trousers?""",1 414,5,29,170,2,"[""fuck""]","Mark I'm gonna put in last place because, uh, he stole my fucking trousers.",1 415,5,29,171,26,"[""shit""]","Come on, you stony shit!",0 416,5,29,172,2,"[""Christ""]","I mean, Jesus Christ, it's incredible, isn't it?",1 417,5,29,172,24,"[""shit""]",Shit! Really?!,1 418,5,29,172,2,"[""fuck""]","You water cooler moment was, well, it was fucking a water cooler, wasn't it?",1 419,5,29,172,2,"[""shit""]","In slow motion, that's one of the shittest things I've ever seen.",1 420,5,29,172,2,"[""shit""]","You know, that was so shit that I think people will be talking about it.",1 421,5,29,172,2,"[""shit""]","So Kumar, through his own shitness, has come second for the first time.",1 422,5,29,173,2,"[""dick""]","And yet page 12, ""I have a big dick.""",1 423,5,29,173,2,"[""ass/arse""]","You can kiss my ass, all of you.",1 424,5,29,174,23,"[""fuck""]",We kept going for so fucking long!,1 425,5,29,174,26,"[""piss"",""shit""]",Piss and shit!,0 426,5,29,174,26,"[""fuck""]",The fuck?!,1 427,5,29,174,27,"[""bugger""]","Oh, you... buggers.",0 428,5,29,175,25,"[""fuck""]","Four and five, but who knows what the fucking truth is?",1 429,5,30,176,2,"[""shit""]",Considering I don't give a shit about the pig...,1 430,5,30,177,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ. We're not your friend.,1 431,5,30,178,23,"[""fuck""]","Ow! Oh, fuck!",0 432,5,30,178,25,"[""prick""]","You do feel sort of a bit of a prick, yeah.",1 433,5,30,179,23,"[""fuck""]",So I posted the fucking pineapple... to Ireland... to my mother.,1 434,5,30,180,2,"[""fuck""]","I sort of admire that you thought, ""Fuck it, I'm gonna run at the door, let's see what happens.""",1 435,5,30,180,26,"[""fuck""]","Oh, you bubbly fuck!",0 436,5,30,180,26,"[""fuck""]","The candle went out 'cause I said ""bubbly fuck"".",0 437,5,30,180,1,"[""fuck""]","It was literally ""bubbly fuck"" that put the candle out, it's amazing.",1 438,5,30,180,2,"[""fuck""]","That's such a spectacular way to bow out, ""bubbly fuck"".",1 439,5,30,180,2,"[""fuck""]","Old ""bubbly fuck"", I'm tempted to give you more than two points, but I'm not going to.",1 440,5,30,181,24,"[""fuck""]",Fuck that.,1 441,5,30,181,26,"[""shit"",""piss""]","Oh, shit and piss!",1 442,5,31,184,23,"[""shit""]",Why have you brought me to this bloody shithole?,0 443,5,31,184,24,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fucking...",0 444,5,31,184,24,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck. I never got through there.",0 445,5,31,184,27,"[""shit""]","Right at the end, I went, ""Shit, I should have used this as a compass!""",1 446,5,31,185,26,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",0 447,5,31,185,2,"[""shit""]","And Nish went, ""Oh, shit!""",1 448,5,31,185,2,"[""shit""]",That was some pretty powerful motivational shit you were shouting there.,1 449,5,31,185,24,"[""shit""]","Oh, they are heavy. Shit!",0