id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 202,3,12,67,2,"[""shit""]",I did ask Alex if he could make sure there was a lot of goose shit on the track.,1 203,3,12,67,16,"[""shit""]","I'm gonna be covered in goose shit, ain't I?",0 204,3,12,67,2,"[""shit""]",I don't know why drinking a massive coffee and then rolling around in goose shit would make you feel sick.,1 205,3,12,67,2,"[""fuck""]",When is a step not a step? When it's on a fucking hurdle.,1 206,3,12,67,17,"[""shit""]","Ooh, so much shit!",0 207,3,12,68,2,"[""shit""]","In first place, with an incredible shitty, sicky performance, it's Rob the Roller.",1 208,3,12,68,15,"[""shit""]",It's like finding a pea in a... haystack. Shit!,0 209,3,12,68,16,"[""fuck""]","And then when I finish, fucking bang it on there.",0 210,3,12,69,15,"[""bastard""]","Bastard's crying, innit?",0 211,3,12,69,2,"[""bastard""]","Right at the end, just as the final image of a snowman was in place, he said, ""The bastard's crying, innit?""",1 212,3,12,69,2,"[""bastard""]",Let's have a look at the bastard.,1 213,3,13,71,2,"[""shit""]",It would have been nice if you could have taken some time to scrub that bird shit off it.,1 214,3,13,71,2,"[""fuck""]",I'm putting Paul Chowdhry for putting some fucking melon in a box.,1 215,3,13,73,16,"[""bastard""]","Why's there spunk on your phone, Alex? No wonder you've been locked up, you dirty bastard.",0 216,3,13,73,16,"[""bastard""]",911 to get in this little bastard.,0 217,3,13,73,16,"[""pussy""]","Not a pussy, mate.",0 218,3,13,73,16,"[""fuck"",""ass/arse""]","Oh, you fucking arsehole.",0 219,3,13,73,13,"[""dick""]",We are a trio of dickheads.,0 220,3,13,73,2,"[""dick""]",Three great minds... or a trio of dickheads.,1 221,3,13,74,16,"[""shit""]","Ugh. Cheap, vinegary shit, that.",0 222,3,13,75,15,"[""piss""]","Taking the piss, mate.",0 223,3,13,75,15,"[""bastard"",""bastard""]","These balloons are bastards, mate. They're bastards, innit?",0 224,3,13,75,15,"[""bastard""]",Bastard!,0 225,3,13,75,2,"[""bastard""]","And nice to see you're consistent with your use of the word ""bastard"" as well.",1 226,3,13,75,2,"[""bastard""]","Last episode, you called a rabbit covered in a Slush Puppie a bastard.",1 227,3,13,75,13,"[""damn"",""hell""]",Damn you to hell!,0 228,3,13,75,13,"[""bollock""]",Bollocks!,0 229,3,13,76,16,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck off!",1 230,3,14,77,2,"[""shit""]","I mean, that would scare the shit out of me.",1 231,3,14,77,2,"[""piss""]","He's not gonna help me do an accurate piss in the middle of the night, though, is he?",1 232,3,14,78,2,"[""ass/arse""]",From his arse?,1 233,3,14,78,15,"[""bastard""]","Al Murray's gonna win this, that fat bastard.",0 234,3,14,78,13,"[""damn""]","Oh, damn it!",1 235,3,14,79,16,"[""hell""]",Bloody hell.,1 236,3,14,79,14,"[""piss""]","I read ""domino rally"" as a rally of dominoes in the same way that I saw ""sweat"" as sweat rather than piss.",1 237,3,14,79,13,"[""damn""]","Oh, you absolute bell-end! Damn it!",0 238,3,14,80,2,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ. I've no idea.",1 239,3,14,81,17,"[""shit""]",Are you... shitting me?,0 240,3,14,81,16,"[""piss""]","Oh, you didn't piss in the tray, did you?",1 241,3,14,82,13,"[""fuck"",""hell""]","Oh, fucking hell.",1 242,3,15,84,2,"[""fuck""]",What did you think were the chances of that plane flying with your fucking sock wrapped round it?,1 243,3,15,88,2,"[""fuck""]",Are you joking? I fucking love him.,1 244,3,15,88,15,"[""fuck"",""fuck"",""bastard""]","Oh, for fuck's sake, you fucking bastard!",0 245,3,16,,2,"[""shit""]","I mean, that is the shittest prize yet.",1 246,3,16,89,2,"[""prick""]",Pebbles looks like a bit of a prick to me.,1 247,3,16,90,16,"[""fuck""]",Why the fuck peas?,0 248,3,16,90,16,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, I just lost all control. Oh, fuck me!",0 249,3,16,90,16,"[""fuck""]","Oh, for fuck's sake.",0 250,3,16,90,16,"[""shit""]","And it was so cold. I was shitting meself, I was dropping water.",1 251,3,16,90,2,"[""fuck""]","""Yo yo, the motherfuckin' FIP.""",1 252,3,16,90,14,"[""hell""]","Right, what the hell have we got here?",0 253,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck"",""fuck""]","Fucking fuck off, plane!",0 254,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck""]",How am I supposed to do this with a fucking plane?,0 255,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck""]","Oh, thank fuck for that.",0 256,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck""]","I was like, ""Fuck's sake!"" Dah-dah-dah!",1 257,3,16,92,2,"[""shit""]","The point is, you did a genuinely good film and I honestly thought it was gonna be horse shit, so well done.",1 258,3,16,92,16,"[""shit""]","Yeah, the story of that was belt some shit out of some fruit and veg.",1 259,3,16,93,13,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,1