id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1904,16,139,768,107,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ. Oh, yeah, here we are.",0 1905,16,139,768,105,"[""shit""]","Oh, am I...? Oh, shit.",0 1906,16,139,768,105,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit.",0 1907,16,139,768,105,"[""shit""]","This is bullshit, dude.",0 1908,16,139,768,106,"[""shit""]",What an absolute shower of shits you are.,0 1909,16,139,768,1,"[""shit""]","You also quoted the Bible. Er, ""you absolute shower of shits"", that's Book of Revelation.",1 1910,16,139,769,106,"[""shit""]",You shit giblet.,0 1911,16,139,769,2,"[""shit""]","I enjoyed you calling him a ""shit giblet"", though. Very nice.",1 1912,16,139,770,104,"[""hell""]","""Or a flamingo?"" Bloody hell.",0 1913,16,139,770,104,"[""shit""]","Don't touch the beak? Ah, shit.",0 1914,16,139,771,106,"[""shit""]","Oh, it's very... you utter shit!",1 1915,16,139,771,107,"[""shit""]",Shit.,1 1916,16,139,771,104,"[""bastard""]","Oh, sh‒no, you can see it's not. Oh, bastard.",1 1917,16,140,772,107,"[""cock""]","It's the sign of... Cock Pond, Clapham Common.",1 1918,16,140,772,2,"[""cock""]",I like Cock Pond.,1 1919,16,140,772,2,"[""cock""]","Sue, pond full of cocks‒can you beat it?",1 1920,16,140,772,2,"[""bastard""]","Is there a, erm, landlord or a landlady at the Dog and Bastard?",1 1921,16,140,772,2,"[""Christ""]","Jesus Christ, that is low-rent, isn't it?",1 1922,16,140,772,2,"[""cock""]","And, unbelievably, I'm giving Cock Pond four points.",1 1923,16,140,774,106,"[""cock""]",Cock and balls.,1 1924,16,140,774,1,"[""hell""]",And then she's done a cheeky bit of ocean and a cheeky bit of Hell.,1 1925,16,140,774,2,"[""hell""]","That's a cheeky tick. Erm, why is Hell there?",1 1926,16,140,774,107,"[""hell""]","Well, Hell is... here.",1 1927,16,140,775,2,"[""shit""]",I think you were hampered by bad actors. They all looked bored shitless.,1 1928,16,140,776,104,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit.",1 1929,16,140,776,2,"[""hell""]",But how the hell am I gonna score that?,1 1930,16,141,778,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ.,1 1931,16,141,778,2,"[""dick""]","Why would a small dog be given a chew, and why does that chew look like two dicks?",1 1932,16,141,779,2,"[""damn""]","Julian has developed an incredible technique for saying things to Alex that are seemingly innocent, but then yet are so damning.",1 1933,16,141,780,107,"[""bitch""]",It stings like a bitch.,1 1934,16,141,780,105,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck.",0 1935,16,141,781,103,"[""fuck""]","""Fuck Pig"", I used to be called.",0 1936,16,141,781,2,"[""fuck""]","And then, out of nowhere, ""Oh, hello, Fuck Pig"".",1 1937,16,141,781,107,"[""bastard""]",Chain Bastard.,0 1938,16,141,781,1,"[""bastard""]",Why are you called Chain Bastard?,0 1939,16,141,781,105,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,0 1940,16,141,781,1,"[""bastard""]",Chain Bastard.,0 1941,16,141,781,1,"[""bastard""]",Ah. Is it Chain Bastard?,0 1942,16,141,781,107,"[""bastard""]",It is Chain Bastard.,0 1943,16,141,781,105,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,0 1944,16,141,781,1,"[""bastard""]",Chain Bastard.,0 1945,16,141,781,2,"[""bastard""]",Even when you essentially hold someone against their will and give yourself the name Chain Bastard... you just still seem really fun and friendly.,1 1946,16,141,781,1,"[""bastard""]",I was surprised that Chain Bastard was applying feathers.,1 1947,16,141,781,2,"[""bastard""]",Chain Bastard gets two points.,1 1948,16,141,782,2,"[""bastard""]","You're really up against it now, Chain Bastard.",1 1949,16,142,785,104,"[""bugger""]",You're a mucky bugger!,0 1950,16,142,785,2,"[""bugger""]","Lucy, ""Oh, you mucky bugger.""",1 1951,16,142,785,106,"[""damn""]","Damn, that smells good!",0 1952,16,142,785,2,"[""prick""]",I'm feeling a real prick.,1 1953,16,142,786,106,"[""cock""]",This is one of the most exhausting things I've ever done. Why didn't I just draw a cock and balls?,0 1954,16,142,786,104,"[""fuck""]","I was doing fucking poppies, I know.",1 1955,16,142,786,2,"[""hell""]","That is a hell of an opener, Sam. It's gonna take some beating.",1 1956,16,142,786,2,"[""hell""]",Bloody hell.,1 1957,16,142,787,106,"[""shit""]",Genuinely a shit pet.,1 1958,16,143,789,106,"[""ass/arse""]","And then, my dog got hold of Terry and ate the ass out of it.",1 1959,16,143,790,107,"[""bastard""]","Come on, you bastard!",0 1960,16,143,790,105,"[""fuck""]","Fuck, that sucked.",0 1961,16,143,790,105,"[""hell""]",Hell's Angels.,1 1962,16,143,791,106,"[""bollock""]",This one has a massive eye-bollock. It's just massive.,0 1963,16,143,791,106,"[""bollock""]","So if you're low-down, the beaver's eye-bollock will see you.",1 1964,16,143,791,106,"[""bollock""]",I've got a beaver with an eye-bollock!,1 1965,16,143,791,104,"[""bollock""]",Big Billy Big Bollocks.,1 1966,16,143,791,2,"[""bollock""]",Big Billy Big Bollocks?,1 1967,16,143,791,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ.,1 1968,16,143,791,105,"[""bastard""]","Ah, lookie here, fellas, a two-eyed bastard.",0 1969,16,143,792,107,"[""shit""]",That's shit.,0 1970,16,143,792,107,"[""fuck""]",Is that where the bloody candle starts growing a fucking mouth and starts doing it for me?,0 1971,16,143,792,106,"[""hell""]",How the hell does that hap...? What have I created?!,0 1972,16,143,792,105,"[""hell""]","Yeah, that was a hell of a task, man. That was fantastic.",1 1973,16,143,793,104,"[""fuck""]",Fuck's sake!,1 1974,16,144,794,2,"[""hell""]","This is gonna be a hell of a noise, right?",1 1975,16,144,795,106,"[""shit""]","Busy little shit, isn't it?",0 1976,16,144,796,107,"[""shit"",""Christ""]","Oh, shit. Oh, Christ.",0 1977,16,144,796,104,"[""fuck""]","Oh, for fuck's sake.",0 1978,16,144,796,107,"[""tits""]",Tits!,0 1979,16,144,796,2,"[""hell""]","Sam, I don't know how the hell you got to flamingos.",1 1980,16,144,796,2,"[""tits""]","I've written down, ""Can I have a clip of Susan shouting 'tits'?""",1 1981,16,144,797,2,"[""shit""]","Sometimes you should just see it and judge it on face value, 'cause now I think it's shit.",1 1982,16,144,798,104,"[""fuck""]",Fuck you.,1 1983,16,144,798,2,"[""damn""]","Damn you, RADA.",1 1984,16,144,798,2,"[""damn""]","Damn you, RADA.",1 1985,16,144,798,2,"[""fuck""]","If this Australian has three pineapples on him, I am gonna lose my fucking mind.",1 1986,16,145,799,Brian Blessed,"[""bastard""]","Come on, come on. Groan, you feckless bastards!",1 1987,16,145,799,107,"[""shit""]",And here are a few of the shit prizes.,1 1988,16,145,799,107,"[""shit""]",They're all so shit that all these guys actually gave them back to me.,1 1989,16,145,799,2,"[""shit""]",I'm gonna give her 4 points for her very clever idea of getting her shit prizes back.,1 1990,16,145,800,107,"[""piss""]","OK. Ah, ooh. Piss it!",0 1991,16,145,800,2,"[""piss"",""piss""]","I really think that ""piss it"" is an underrated exclamation. I really enjoyed ""piss it"".",1 1992,16,145,800,107,"[""fuck"",""hell""]","I can't work under these conditions. Oh, my God. Fuckin' hell!",0 1993,16,145,800,104,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell! Sorry.,0 1994,16,145,800,2,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, you've really fucked Sam over there.",1 1995,16,145,800,105,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit, there's...",0 1996,16,145,801,107,"[""hell""]","Now, what the hell is that?",0 1997,16,145,801,106,"[""shit""]",I loved it. I was shit at it but I loved it.,1 1998,16,145,801,106,"[""shit""]","Come on, you little shit!",0 1999,16,145,801,106,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ.",0 2000,16,145,801,107,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit.",0 2001,16,145,801,106,"[""fuck""]",Little fucker.,0 2002,16,145,801,2,"[""fuck""]","""Take it, you little fucker.""?",1 2003,16,145,801,107,"[""hell""]","It caught me by surprise, bloody hell.",1