id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1794,15,129,,2,"[""prick""]",And now it's over to prick-tionary corner.,1 1795,15,129,717,2,"[""Christ""]",Christ almighty. It's very rare I've got nothing negative to say.,1 1796,15,129,717,2,"[""shit""]",I watched it and I felt it as well. I felt it was shit.,1 1797,15,129,717,2,"[""fuck""]","The one place you lost me was when you started crying at the end 'cause I thought, ""Okay, well, Mae's lost their fucking mind here.""",1 1798,15,129,718,100,"[""damn""]",Damn and blast you!,0 1799,15,129,718,2,"[""prick""]","I've said it before, I'll say it again, Frankie, the guy's a prick.",1 1800,15,129,718,101,"[""damn""]","Damn, that's neat!",0 1801,15,129,718,100,"[""fuck""]","No tricks? I mean, the awful trick would be if, at the end of all this, you said, ""Now wind it all back up"", and I say, ""Fuck off, you sod.""",0 1802,15,129,718,100,"[""hell""]","Oh, bloody hell.",0 1803,15,129,718,2,"[""damn""]","I put that, uh, ""Mae lost their goddamn mind"", is what I wrote down initially.",1 1804,15,129,719,100,"[""bastard""]","OK, OK, you bastard.",0 1805,15,129,719,1,"[""bitch""]","Some of the other things she said was, ""Back, back. Come on, pony. Calm the flip down, Jenny. Spin, bitch, spin.""",1 1806,15,129,719,102,"[""piss""]",Whoa. Yes! Piece of piss.,0 1807,15,129,719,102,"[""piss""]","I don't... I've never said ""piece of piss,"" that's so English.",1 1808,15,129,719,2,"[""piss""]","Even ""piece of piss"" felt dignified.",1 1809,15,130,721,2,"[""Christ""]","Jesus Christ. Are we the meat, or are we the viewer?",1 1810,15,130,722,100,"[""hell""]","Bloody hell. Yes, it's more complicated than you think.",0 1811,15,130,723,2,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ, that is so hard, I enjoyed all of them.",1 1812,15,130,723,2,"[""damn""]",And I'm gonna give Frankie and Mae four points. I've literally lost my goddamn mind.,1 1813,15,130,723,98,"[""shit""]","As the clever one, you start planning and I go and get a whole load of random shit.",0 1814,15,130,723,2,"[""fuck"",""shit""]","Yeah, let's get them out of the way, being all nice to each other. Then we can get onto this fucking shitshow.",1 1815,15,130,723,100,"[""shit""]",It looks like there's shit on this one.,0 1816,15,130,723,100,"[""fuck""]",I-I'm putting this down. Fuck that.,0 1817,15,130,725,101,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, the first three! And then the fourth one was fucking sick!",1 1818,15,130,725,101,"[""shit""]",Shit's sake!,1 1819,15,130,725,101,"[""fuck""]",Fuck.,1 1820,15,131,726,2,"[""hell""]",How the hell can I score a chocolate face above this?,1 1821,15,131,726,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell.,1 1822,15,131,726,2,"[""shit""]",So it's just between the glasses... and that shit cape.,1 1823,15,131,726,101,"[""shit""]",I don't think mine's that shit.,1 1824,15,131,726,102,"[""shit""]","I don't think mine's that shit, and I designed them myself.",1 1825,15,131,726,2,"[""fuck""]","Oh, get fucked, mate.",1 1826,15,131,728,102,"[""fuck""]","""The conveyor belt will start moving in three minutes from now."" OK. Fuck!",0 1827,15,131,728,98,"[""fuck"",""fuck""]","Oh, I fucking... they're not going in the fucking hat!",0 1828,15,131,728,101,"[""shit""]","Ah, shit!",0 1829,15,131,728,102,"[""fuck""]","No, no. Fuck!",0 1830,15,131,728,102,"[""fuck""]","No, no, fuck, I lost it. Yes.",0 1831,15,132,732,100,"[""fuck""]",There would be a way. There would be a fucking way and I haven't got it!,0 1832,15,132,732,101,"[""damn""]",There's some damn good beats.,1 1833,15,132,732,2,"[""fuck""]","I mean, honestly, Kiell, you are having a fucking nightmare on this show.",1 1834,15,132,732,98,"[""fuck""]",That's clearly where I've gone wrong with fishing... I should be throwing the fucking rod.,1 1835,15,132,733,100,"[""fuck""]","There's only one thing for this, then: decorate the fuck out of it.",0 1836,15,132,733,2,"[""shit""]","Mae's boat looked like the most buoyant object ever created, but it is ""one shit boat"", is what I wrote down.",1 1837,15,132,734,100,"[""shit""]","Oh, I'm not standing for this. I'm not standing for this shit!",1 1838,15,132,734,100,"[""ass/arse""]",It's not fair to penalise the short arse.,0 1839,15,132,734,100,"[""bugger"",""bugger""]",Bugger. Bugger! Poor show.,0 1840,15,132,734,98,"[""fuck""]",Has fucking John got it?,0 1841,15,132,734,2,"[""piss""]",I won't be pissing against the door.,1 1842,15,132,735,101,"[""shit""]",I don't wanna get this shit in my trainers.,1 1843,15,132,735,1,"[""shit""]",Why would you get shit in your trainers?,1 1844,15,132,735,98,"[""piss""]",It's like having a really worryingly long piss.,1 1845,15,132,735,2,"[""shit""]","Do you know, I thought this was gonna be shit telly but I'm actually quite enjoying it.",1 1846,15,132,735,101,"[""fuck""]",Fuck off!,1 1847,15,133,,2,"[""pussy""]","""If I ever meet him at a TV event, I'm gonna teach that pussy to dance.""",1 1848,15,133,738,98,"[""fuck""]",And what the fuck is that?,0 1849,15,133,738,98,"[""fuck""]",What was the fucking last one?,0 1850,15,133,738,101,"[""shit""]",Shit.,0 1851,15,133,738,101,"[""fuck""]","I'm gonna fucking kick off, Alex.",1 1852,15,133,739,98,"[""bastard""]",What did I tell you not to do?! You greedy bastard!,0 1853,15,133,740,98,"[""fuck""]","We're both going to lose this episode, and someone is gonna go up there and win 70 grand on a fucking scratchcard.",1 1854,15,134,741,2,"[""shit""]",End of sentence. It's shit. That is... that is a disappointing start.,1 1855,15,134,742,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell.,1 1856,15,134,742,98,"[""Christ""]","No, Andy! Oh, Jesus Christ!",0 1857,15,134,742,2,"[""fuck"",""hell"",""Christ""]","And then Frankie, fucking hell... that ""Jesus Christ"" was genuinely too much.",1 1858,15,134,742,2,"[""Christ""]","When Frankie shouted ""Jesus Christ"", I actually out loud went, ""Oh, my god!"" And therefore he must take the five points.",1 1859,15,134,743,102,"[""wank""]",It looks like I'm wanking off an egg with my foot.,0 1860,15,134,743,102,"[""fuck""]","Oh, god, it really does. No, fuck this. OK.",0 1861,15,134,744,100,"[""hell""]","Kicking the ball with my golden shoes. Oh, bloody hell!",0 1862,15,134,745,100,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, fuck this.",1 1863,15,135,747,100,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck it, pulp the egg!",0 1864,15,135,747,100,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit! Why didn't I think of that?",1 1865,15,135,748,100,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Jesus Christ, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten in my life.",0 1866,15,135,748,101,"[""fuck""]",I... I wasn't putting fucking broccoli jelly babies in my mouth.,1 1867,15,135,748,98,"[""fuck""]",Really fuckin' unpleasant.,0 1868,15,135,748,98,"[""fuck""]","You know, a lot of plane crashes happen because the copilot is too scared to say to the brash pilot, ""Look, we're gonna hit the fucking ground here, mate.""",1 1869,15,135,749,99,"[""Christ""]",Christ! The time!,0 1870,15,135,749,100,"[""fuck""]",I'm gonna cook that fucking potato 'cause it's got to be edible.,0 1871,15,135,749,100,"[""fuck""]","I don't think I clapped, I don't think I fucking clapped.",1 1872,15,136,751,99,"[""damn""]","I've had very few points for LOLs-based prize tasks, so here's some goddamn feeling.",1 1873,15,136,751,98,"[""fuck""]",Who gives a fuck?,1 1874,15,136,752,100,"[""fuck""]","Oh, not more fucking pineapples.",0 1875,15,136,752,102,"[""fuck""]",Ahh! Fuck!,0 1876,15,136,752,101,"[""fuck""]",Fuck's sake.,1 1877,15,136,753,100,"[""bugger""]","I know that a lot will depend on this, so I'm going to go big bugger.",0 1878,15,136,754,98,"[""fuck""]",That's more than your bowl and your fuckin' spoon.,1 1879,15,136,755,98,"[""fuck""]","Aw, fuck.",1 1880,15,137,757,100,"[""fuck""]",Are you doing a stamp? Fucking brilliant.,0 1881,15,137,757,100,"[""shit""]",Why am I so shit at this?,0 1882,15,137,757,102,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit. We got some yellow on the mango.",0 1883,15,137,757,99,"[""fuck""]","Smaller team, wetter conditions, better outside-the-box thinking... give us some fucking points.",1 1884,15,137,758,100,"[""shit"",""fuck""]",Shit! Fuck! Why did I do that?,0 1885,15,137,758,99,"[""shit""]",Dan Jones is a piece of shit.,1 1886,15,137,758,98,"[""bastard""]",All we know is that he was some sort of brutal English bastard.,0 1887,15,137,758,2,"[""shit""]","But because I enjoyed both your lecutres, despite them being clearly horse shit, I'm gonna give you two points each.",1 1888,15,137,759,100,"[""shit""]",There's quite a lot of bird shit.,0 1889,15,137,759,98,"[""shit""]",Did you actually shit in some milk?,1 1890,15,137,759,100,"[""shit""]",I'm just going to write shit.,0 1891,15,137,759,98,"[""fuck""]","You just couldn't shut the fuck up, could you, Ivo?",1 1892,15,138,761,2,"[""shit""]","""I'm coming to your shit party in six years! I'm gonna do a poo in the carpet.""",1 1893,15,138,761,99,"[""damn""]","Take that, damn pooch!",1