id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1373,11,95,537,2,"[""shit""]",I would absolutely shit myself and I would go looking for Sarah.,1 1374,11,95,538,67,"[""shit""]","Shit! Oh, my god. No!",0 1375,11,95,538,64,"[""shit""]","One of the few jobs I had, my auntie used to make me photocopy shit.",0 1376,11,95,538,64,"[""fuck""]",I totally fucked up... I thought Dara O'Brian was the host!,0 1377,11,95,538,64,"[""fuck"",""shit""]","Fuck, mate, that, that was a lot of pressure. I actually forgot for a second. I was like, ""ah, shit"".",1 1378,11,95,538,2,"[""shit""]","And that directly contrasts with, ""One of the few jobs I've had, my auntie used to make me photocopy shit.""",1 1379,11,95,538,2,"[""dick""]","For me, it looks like a dragonfly with two dicks.",1 1380,11,95,538,64,"[""dick""]","I do wanna argue with you, but it kind of does look like a dragonfly with two dicks.",1 1381,11,95,538,1,"[""bugger""]","Oh, you mad bugger.",1 1382,11,95,538,1,"[""ass/arse""]","Five bellies, two faces, but my face is the... arse.",1 1383,11,95,538,65,"[""ass/arse""]",Two quid an hour? You're playing the arsehole!,1 1384,11,95,539,64,"[""shit""]","Oh, by this time, I was sick of his shit.",1 1385,11,95,539,64,"[""shit""]","Shit. It's error, 'cause it's weighing too much.",0 1386,11,95,540,2,"[""bollock""]","Even in victory, your teammate gets a bollocking.",1 1387,11,95,540,2,"[""fuck""]",The fuck?!,1 1388,11,95,540,63,"[""hell""]",This is hell!,0 1389,11,95,540,64,"[""shit""]",They're like stinging nettles and shit.,0 1390,11,95,540,2,"[""fuck""]","You wouldn't have ""activated Jamali"" at all if he hadn't said ""What the fuck am I doing?""",1