id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1361,11,94,533,2,"[""fuck""]",You heard that we want you to fuck an island up and kill everyone.,1 1362,11,94,533,67,"[""shit""]","Oh, no. Oh, no! Shit, guys!",0 1363,11,94,534,67,"[""bitch""]","Yeah, and then you go in to film and you just get this little bitch.",1 1364,11,94,534,2,"[""bitch""]","Awful, hairy little bitch.",1 1365,11,94,534,2,"[""ass/arse"",""bitch""]",He's a punk-ass bitch.,1 1366,11,94,534,64,"[""ass/arse"",""bitch""]","He's a punk-ass bitch, man.",1 1367,11,94,534,2,"[""piss""]","It's pissing it down with rain and we've got you muttering ""please"" under your breath.",1 1368,11,94,534,64,"[""shit""]","Ah, shit!",0 1369,11,94,534,2,"[""prick""]","... done, you... prick.",1 1370,11,94,534,2,"[""shit""]","I don't know anyone else in that situation who wouldn't say, ""Oh, shit!""",1 1371,11,94,534,65,"[""shit""]",Bullshit!,0 1372,11,94,535,2,"[""shit""]","But at least a human response from you when it fell down, you shouted ""bullshit!""",1