id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 969,9,65,379,48,"[""shit""]",It’s stressful when you’ve had a big shit.,1 970,9,65,380,51,"[""fuck""]","Oh, for fuck’s sake.",0 971,9,65,380,2,"[""fuck""]","Then, half an aubergine in, you went, ""Oh, fuck this, they’re going in my pants.""",1 972,9,65,381,49,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ.",0 973,9,65,381,50,"[""fuck"",""ass/arse""]","Oh, fuck it, I’m going to accuse this of being a dodo 'cause I can't be arsed to go any further.",0 974,9,65,381,48,"[""bollock""]","Oh, bollocks.",0 975,9,65,381,52,"[""fuck""]",Fuck that. That’s lavender. That's violet.,0 976,9,65,381,48,"[""fuck""]",That just tastes of... what the fuck is that?,0 977,9,65,381,52,"[""fuck""]",Fuck. Off.,0 978,9,65,381,48,"[""shit""]",Do they all taste of shit?,0 979,9,65,381,52,"[""fuck""]",Fuck off!,0 980,9,65,381,2,"[""shit""]",Sounds like absolute horseshit to me.,1 981,9,65,382,2,"[""shit""]",I wasn't expecting the bush woman; it scared the shit out of me.,1 982,9,65,383,48,"[""fuck""]","Oh, have I fucked this up?",1 983,9,65,383,50,"[""fuck""]",I’ve finished me fucking snake!,1