id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 918,8,61,,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]","Fuckin' hell, Alex.",1 919,8,61,,2,"[""fuck""]",Fuck.,1 920,8,61,359,43,"[""fuck""]",For fuck's sake!,0 921,8,61,359,43,"[""fuck""]",Fuck it.,0 922,8,61,359,43,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,0 923,8,61,359,46,"[""hell""]",The temptation is to assume that the others will go hell for leather trying to accumulate as many Pink Ladies as possible.,0 924,8,61,360,44,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell.,0 925,8,61,361,43,"[""dick""]","Only I, right, only I can donate to charity and make it look... dickish.",0 926,8,61,361,45,"[""shit""]",You're full of horse shit.,1 927,8,61,361,1,"[""shit""]","Sorry, sorry. Lou's just saying you're full of horse shit.",1 928,8,61,361,2,"[""shit"",""shit""]",I don't know if it's shit or good. I don't know if it's shit or good.,1