id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 910,8,60,352,2,"[""Christ""]",I don't mind a window. I think that's your strongest effort so far. Jesus Christ!,1 911,8,60,352,43,"[""fuck""]",He brought in a fucking window!,1 912,8,60,354,45,"[""fuck""]",Fucking the man!,1 913,8,60,355,43,"[""damn""]","I wanted a goddamn pen, Greg.",1 914,8,60,355,43,"[""fuck""]","Look, you fucking did! You did!",1 915,8,60,355,47,"[""piss""]",Piece of piss.,1 916,8,60,355,46,"[""dick""]",I'm an absolute dickhead at every other task. That one should be in my territory.,1 917,8,60,355,45,"[""hell""]","Flippin' hell, you didn't tell me!",0