id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 889,8,57,335,2,"[""shit""]","What have you got, Sian, because that's obviously shit!",1 890,8,57,336,2,"[""piss""]","with three points, I'm going to give the hot, thin, high stream of piss volcano.",1 891,8,57,337,43,"[""fuck""]",Skirt? Fuck!,0 892,8,57,337,43,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,0 893,8,57,337,2,"[""fuck""]","You can't go on any quiz show ever because you give an answer, and then you go, ""Fuck!""",1 894,8,57,338,44,"[""fuck""]","♪ Fuck off, Alex. ♪",0 895,8,57,338,45,"[""shit""]","I got your car, I threw some shit on it.",0 896,8,57,339,43,"[""shit"",""shit"",""shit""]","It's a piece of shit! This piece of shit! This piece of shit, ugh!",1 897,8,57,339,46,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck, yes!",1 898,8,57,339,46,"[""fuck""]",I said I'll only mention my injured shoulder when my injured shoulder is actually fucking affecting how I'm performing.,1