id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 817,7,52,306,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1 818,7,52,306,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell.,1 819,7,52,306,2,"[""Christ""]","And good luck to Kettering. If that's the best you've got, Jesus Christ!",1 820,7,52,307,39,"[""ass/arse""]","Well, you can't compete with Alex's arse, can you?",1 821,7,52,307,2,"[""ass/arse""]","It wasn't just Alex's arse, was it?",1 822,7,52,308,2,"[""shit""]","No. Oh, no, you were both absolutely shit.",1 823,7,52,308,42,"[""bollock""]",Bollocks.,0 824,7,52,309,38,"[""fuck""]","Oh, yes! Played into my hands here, mate. Fuck you.",0 825,7,52,309,2,"[""fuck""]","Another one of your catchphrases coming out there: ""Fuck you.""",1 826,7,52,309,2,"[""fuck""]","""Fuck you."" ""Babay."" ""I'm punk."" ""Suck it.""",1 827,7,52,309,42,"[""fuck""]",What the fuck was that?,0 828,7,52,309,2,"[""fuck""]","Fucking ""diddly-do"".",1 829,7,52,309,42,"[""shit""]",Whizzes round and shoots her shitting face off!,0 830,7,52,,2,"[""shit""]",Be careful who you're charitable to or you might get your shitting face shot off.,1