id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 747,7,48,,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ! Can we just get on with it?,1 748,7,48,,2,"[""fuck""]",Alex gets these few moments to say whatever he wants and this is what he's chosen to fucking say.,1 749,7,48,282,2,"[""Christ""]","Jesus Christ, yes!",1 750,7,48,282,40,"[""fuck""]","I sometimes just don't watch films, like the Matrix, 'cause I can't be fucked to plug it in.",1 751,7,48,282,2,"[""fuck""]","Gonna write that quote down. ""Can't be fucked to plug it in.""",1 752,7,48,282,2,"[""fuck""]","Godliman sums things up again: ""Bosh! Can't be fucked!""",1 753,7,48,282,38,"[""fuck""]",Can't be fucked to plug it in.,1 754,7,48,282,2,"[""prick""]","It's confusing how you're getting away with using this picture and still getting laughs, you prick.",1 755,7,48,282,38,"[""pussy""]","Oh, just open the box, you pussy!",1 756,7,48,282,2,"[""hell""]",What the hell was that all about?,1 757,7,48,282,2,"[""pussy""]","I'm sorry, James, and this isn't because you called me a pussy.",1 758,7,48,283,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1 759,7,48,283,42,"[""prick""]",I wish that prick was electrocuted in the studio if I flicked that.,0 760,7,48,283,42,"[""fuck""]","Take that, you fizzy fuck, now, aren't you?",0 761,7,48,283,38,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell.,0 762,7,48,283,2,"[""fuck""]","""Did you enjoy that, Kerry?"" ""No, I fuckin' didn't.""",1 763,7,48,284,2,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fuckin' hell.,1 764,7,48,284,42,"[""tits""]",All you've done is shove a bloody Brillo Pad in your tits.,1 765,7,48,284,2,"[""tits""]","When Rhod accused you of putting a Brillo Pad on your tits, James Acaster went like this.",1 766,7,48,284,40,"[""tits""]","That was mainly 'cause of the word ""tits"".",1 767,7,48,285,41,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",0 768,7,48,285,41,"[""damn""]",Hot damn! We're in business.,0 769,7,48,285,40,"[""shit""]","Oh! Oh! Not so shit, then.",1