id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 725,7,46,,2,"[""fuck""]","That is gonna fucking hurt, isn't it?",1 726,7,46,270,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ.,1 727,7,46,271,41,"[""dick""]","I also regret saying ""oral tradition"" while my dick was out.",1 728,7,46,271,39,"[""shit""]","No, because it had done some bad... shit.",1 729,7,46,272,38,"[""dick""]","That's the task, don't look at Wang's dick?",0 730,7,46,272,2,"[""dick""]","A lovely hug from the ladies, and you exclusively talked about Phil's dick.",1 731,7,46,272,38,"[""fuck""]",Fuck me.,0 732,7,46,274,1,"[""Christ""]",It's like Michael J. Fox or Jesus H. Christ.,1 733,7,46,274,2,"[""ass/arse""]","Gotta be pleased with that, you being all smartarse with your map.",1