id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 705,6,44,261,2,"[""fuck""]",And then I have to fucking high-five them. What?,1 706,6,44,261,34,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit, my ring.",0 707,6,44,261,2,"[""shit""]","""Shit my ring.""",1 708,6,44,261,34,"[""ass/arse""]",Not my arsehole.,1 709,6,44,261,35,"[""bugger""]",Bugger!,0 710,6,44,261,36,"[""shit"",""bollock""]",Shit! Bollocks!,0 711,6,44,262,35,"[""bugger""]",Bugger it. No wonder they get that one.,0 712,6,44,262,34,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit.",0 713,6,44,263,34,"[""fuck""]",♪ Tall motherfucker with the ivory hair ♪,0 714,6,44,263,2,"[""fuck""]","""The tall motherfucker with the ivory hair,"" I think is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.",1 715,6,44,263,2,"[""fuck""]","So, if my sister's watching, fuck you.",1 716,6,44,263,35,"[""ass/arse""]",And then I'm going to ask you to take yourself somewhere private and put your bare arse into it.,0 717,6,44,263,35,"[""ass/arse""]",It might be the only time in your life you put your bare arse in a cake.,0