id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 539,6,36,212,34,"[""ass/arse""]",What's that up my arsehole?,1 540,6,36,212,34,"[""fuck""]","Oh, for fuck's sake.",1 541,6,36,213,34,"[""shit""]",Shit at darts.,0 542,6,36,213,34,"[""fuck""]","Ah, fuck.",0 543,6,36,213,34,"[""fuck""]",Four. Fuck.,0 544,6,36,213,34,"[""fuck""]","Ugh, fuck.",0 545,6,36,213,34,"[""shit""]",Sixteen. That's shit.,0 546,6,36,213,2,"[""fuck""]","And then a ten, and ""Fuck!""",1 547,6,36,213,36,"[""fuck""]",Fuckin' in for a penny.,0 548,6,36,216,2,"[""shit""]",Liza kicked the shit out of hers.,1 549,6,36,216,34,"[""shit""]","He died alone in a bag, you smashed the shit out of him, you brainwashed him in some cult, and you lynched him.",1 550,6,36,216,2,"[""shit""]","Let's have a look at Asim's, and if it's shit...",1 551,6,36,216,2,"[""hell""]",Woo-hoo! There's gonna be hell to pay.,1 552,6,36,216,34,"[""fuck"",""shit""]",Fucking... loads of dangerous shit!,0 553,6,36,216,2,"[""shit""]","And you're taking directing to a new level as well, by adding ""and shit"" after everything.",1 554,6,36,216,34,"[""shit""]",I just try my best and shit.,1 555,6,36,216,2,"[""shit""]","I love the idea of Spielberg pitching E.T.: ""Oh, he's got a long finger and shit.""",1 556,6,36,217,34,"[""fuck""]",Fuck's sake.,1