id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 462,5,32,189,25,"[""hell""]","I know, in fact, 'cause it was a hell of a hassle to get it here.",1 463,5,32,190,26,"[""piss"",""shit""]",Piss and shit!,0 464,5,32,190,24,"[""damn"",""fuck""]","Oh, damn, I've fucked it up!",0 465,5,32,190,24,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck. Yes.",1 466,5,32,190,2,"[""fuck""]","""Oh, no, I've fucked it!"" I think I'm quoting there.",1 467,5,32,190,2,"[""fuck""]","As it left your hand, you knew from the swing, ""Oh, that's fucked.""",1 468,5,32,190,27,"[""ass/arse""]","I could draw all over your arse, a pastoral scene.",0 469,5,32,191,27,"[""ass/arse""]",I've caved his skull in with my arse.,0 470,5,32,191,24,"[""piss""]",Units of piss.,0 471,5,32,191,23,"[""shit""]","Two men are going to explain to me, and rightly so, why my maths are shit.",1 472,5,32,191,24,"[""piss""]","If you're thinking of collecting vast amounts of piss, go up to Dumfries and Galloway.",1 473,5,32,191,24,"[""piss""]",They're absolutely accurate 'cause I was looking into purchasing gallons of piss.,1 474,5,32,191,24,"[""fuck"",""piss""]","I thought, ""Fuck it, I'll fill his boat with piss.""",1 475,5,32,191,25,"[""piss""]",So people in Dumfries and Galloway piss about ten times as much as people in East Sussex?,1 476,5,32,191,2,"[""piss""]",If I have to die and the final thing in my head is the image of Bob Mortimer harvesting piss...,1 477,5,32,191,2,"[""piss""]",I'm gonna put Bob's piss graph in second place.,1 478,5,32,191,2,"[""piss""]",I come from near Birmingham and I piss like a big old whale.,1 479,5,32,193,24,"[""fuck""]",♪ Rosalind's a fucking nightmare! ♪,0 480,5,32,193,2,"[""fuck""]","That is one of the bravest lines in rock history, ""Rosalind is a fucking nightmare"".",1 481,5,32,193,2,"[""fuck""]","It also really delighted me hearing a very nice woman have ""Rosalind is a fucking nightmare"" sung in her face.",1 482,5,32,194,26,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit!",1