id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 413,5,29,170,2,"[""fuck""]","The last thing I said as I left that gig was, ""Who loses fucking trousers?""",1 414,5,29,170,2,"[""fuck""]","Mark I'm gonna put in last place because, uh, he stole my fucking trousers.",1 415,5,29,171,26,"[""shit""]","Come on, you stony shit!",0 416,5,29,172,2,"[""Christ""]","I mean, Jesus Christ, it's incredible, isn't it?",1 417,5,29,172,24,"[""shit""]",Shit! Really?!,1 418,5,29,172,2,"[""fuck""]","You water cooler moment was, well, it was fucking a water cooler, wasn't it?",1 419,5,29,172,2,"[""shit""]","In slow motion, that's one of the shittest things I've ever seen.",1 420,5,29,172,2,"[""shit""]","You know, that was so shit that I think people will be talking about it.",1 421,5,29,172,2,"[""shit""]","So Kumar, through his own shitness, has come second for the first time.",1 422,5,29,173,2,"[""dick""]","And yet page 12, ""I have a big dick.""",1 423,5,29,173,2,"[""ass/arse""]","You can kiss my ass, all of you.",1 424,5,29,174,23,"[""fuck""]",We kept going for so fucking long!,1 425,5,29,174,26,"[""piss"",""shit""]",Piss and shit!,0 426,5,29,174,26,"[""fuck""]",The fuck?!,1 427,5,29,174,27,"[""bugger""]","Oh, you... buggers.",0 428,5,29,175,25,"[""fuck""]","Four and five, but who knows what the fucking truth is?",1