id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 16,1,2,7,6,"[""shit""]","The category is not ""shit that would be great at a party"".",1 17,1,2,7,6,"[""piss""]",Old pisshead here's just got a massive bottle of champagne.,1 18,1,2,7,5,"[""piss""]",I'm not a pisshead!,1 19,1,2,7,6,"[""shit""]","This is bullshit, man.",1 20,1,2,8,5,"[""shit""]","Feels like being Bond, but sort of shittier.",0 21,1,2,8,2,"[""Christ"",""shit""]","I mean, Jesus Christ, I thought you'd only stood catatonic with a shit sign for ten minutes.",1 22,1,2,8,2,"[""Christ""]",Jesus Christ!,1 23,1,2,9,2,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Jesus Christ.",1 24,1,2,9,2,"[""fuck""]",It's not the fucking X-Files.,1 25,1,2,9,6,"[""hell""]",I still can't‒what the hell is that?,0 26,1,2,9,2,"[""fuck""]",We've just seen a film of you breaching the fucking pie!,1 27,1,2,9,6,"[""shit""]",'Cause it ended up being dogshit!,1 28,1,2,9,6,"[""shit""]","But you would've thought that dog shit was steak, to be fair.",1 29,1,2,9,6,"[""shit"",""shit"",""shit""]","This is bullshit, man. Utter bullshit. Utter bullshit.",1 30,1,2,10,3,"[""shit""]",It was shit.,1 31,1,2,10,6,"[""shit""]","♪ Tree Wizard, magical hands and‒holy shit, it's another balloon ♪",0 32,1,2,11,4,"[""fuck""]","Oh, fuck this. I'm just gambling.",1 33,1,2,11,4,"[""Christ""]","Oh, for Christ's sake.",1