id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 245,3,16,,2,"[""shit""]","I mean, that is the shittest prize yet.",1 246,3,16,89,2,"[""prick""]",Pebbles looks like a bit of a prick to me.,1 247,3,16,90,16,"[""fuck""]",Why the fuck peas?,0 248,3,16,90,16,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, I just lost all control. Oh, fuck me!",0 249,3,16,90,16,"[""fuck""]","Oh, for fuck's sake.",0 250,3,16,90,16,"[""shit""]","And it was so cold. I was shitting meself, I was dropping water.",1 251,3,16,90,2,"[""fuck""]","""Yo yo, the motherfuckin' FIP.""",1 252,3,16,90,14,"[""hell""]","Right, what the hell have we got here?",0 253,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck"",""fuck""]","Fucking fuck off, plane!",0 254,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck""]",How am I supposed to do this with a fucking plane?,0 255,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck""]","Oh, thank fuck for that.",0 256,3,16,91,16,"[""fuck""]","I was like, ""Fuck's sake!"" Dah-dah-dah!",1 257,3,16,92,2,"[""shit""]","The point is, you did a genuinely good film and I honestly thought it was gonna be horse shit, so well done.",1 258,3,16,92,16,"[""shit""]","Yeah, the story of that was belt some shit out of some fruit and veg.",1 259,3,16,93,13,"[""damn""]",Damn it!,1