id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1892,15,138,761,2,"[""shit""]","""I'm coming to your shit party in six years! I'm gonna do a poo in the carpet.""",1 1893,15,138,761,99,"[""damn""]","Take that, damn pooch!",1 1894,15,138,761,99,"[""shit""]",I hate this woke shit.,1 1895,15,138,762,100,"[""bastard""]",I bet no other bastard used that hose.,0 1896,15,138,762,101,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit! Oh, my god. Ah! Make it shop. The children!",0 1897,15,138,762,101,"[""shit""]",Shit!,0 1898,15,138,763,102,"[""Christ""]","Oh, Christ.",0 1899,15,138,763,100,"[""fuck"",""fuck""]","I've done the fucking sum wrong. I've done the fucking sum wrong, haven't I?",0 1900,15,138,763,100,"[""fuck""]",You fucking weird freak.,0 1901,15,138,764,98,"[""fuck""]","♪ Dog walker, go the fuck to sleep. ♪",0 1902,15,138,764,99,"[""fuck""]","♪ Dog walker, go the fuck to sleep. ♪",0 1903,15,138,766,2,"[""damn""]","Damn, they fought hard. And for one of them, their tenacious tasking was actually worthwhile.",1