id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1880,15,137,757,100,"[""fuck""]",Are you doing a stamp? Fucking brilliant.,0 1881,15,137,757,100,"[""shit""]",Why am I so shit at this?,0 1882,15,137,757,102,"[""shit""]","Oh, shit. We got some yellow on the mango.",0 1883,15,137,757,99,"[""fuck""]","Smaller team, wetter conditions, better outside-the-box thinking... give us some fucking points.",1 1884,15,137,758,100,"[""shit"",""fuck""]",Shit! Fuck! Why did I do that?,0 1885,15,137,758,99,"[""shit""]",Dan Jones is a piece of shit.,1 1886,15,137,758,98,"[""bastard""]",All we know is that he was some sort of brutal English bastard.,0 1887,15,137,758,2,"[""shit""]","But because I enjoyed both your lecutres, despite them being clearly horse shit, I'm gonna give you two points each.",1 1888,15,137,759,100,"[""shit""]",There's quite a lot of bird shit.,0 1889,15,137,759,98,"[""shit""]",Did you actually shit in some milk?,1 1890,15,137,759,100,"[""shit""]",I'm just going to write shit.,0 1891,15,137,759,98,"[""fuck""]","You just couldn't shut the fuck up, could you, Ivo?",1