id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1648,14,119,663,92,"[""shit""]","It's six foot tall and frightens the shit out of me twice a week, maybe. It's awful. Please take it away.",1 1649,14,119,665,88,"[""ass/arse""]","""Get your arse off this."" It's not on this.",0 1650,14,119,665,90,"[""bollock""]","Right, that's bollocks. That, apparently, is ""home"" in Wingdings.",0 1651,14,119,665,2,"[""ass/arse""]","There's quite an arse theme within your response, Fern.",1 1652,14,119,665,92,"[""bugger""]","""Leave."" ""Sod off."" It says ""go away."" This says ""bugger off"".",0 1653,14,119,665,2,"[""bugger""]","Gloria Gaynor should have been more aggressive. She should have said, ""Go on, bugger off.""",1 1654,14,119,666,90,"[""fuck""]","Fuck. Guys, here we go.",0 1655,14,119,666,92,"[""bugger""]","There's another little bugger. There he is, hello. Hello.",0 1656,14,119,666,91,"[""damn""]","Oh, damn it!",0 1657,14,119,666,92,"[""fuck""]",Fucked that one up. Bye!,0 1658,14,119,666,89,"[""piss""]","A lot of surgeons are alcoholics, so it probably feels like they have big hands on an especially pissed day.",0 1659,14,119,666,90,"[""fuck"",""hell""]",Fucking hell.,0 1660,14,119,666,90,"[""fuck""]","Yeah, what that picture doesn't show is that I've got flippers for fucking hands!",1 1661,14,119,667,90,"[""fuck""]",What the fuck's in that?,0 1662,14,119,667,90,"[""wank""]",You absolute wanker!,0 1663,14,119,667,2,"[""fuck""]","""What the fuck is that?"" ""Did you hear that? Well, what dropped?"" ""You can't even buy them that small.""",1 1664,14,119,667,90,"[""fuck""]",There is only one size of duck. I don't know what the fuck they were.,1 1665,14,119,667,92,"[""tits""]",I can't see me pockets 'cause of me tits. Sorry.,0 1666,14,119,667,91,"[""hell""]",What the hell?! I didn't get any in.,0 1667,14,119,667,2,"[""tits""]","I mean, if I'm honest, I don't know what I thought 'cause all I can hear is, ""I can't see my pockets because of my tits.""",1