id,series,episode,task,speaker,roots,quote,studio 1,1,1,1,6,"[""shit""]",I think we can all agree it's the shittest present in the history of humanity.,1 2,1,1,1,6,"[""piss""]",You know the granules? The snow density is piss-poor.,1 3,1,1,1,2,"[""shit""]",And the winner of this competition will have to take all of that shit home.,1 4,1,1,2,6,"[""shit""]","And then when I threw it I was like, ""Holy shit, that has...""",1 5,1,1,2,2,"[""shit""]",I've got an image of you at an all-you-can-eat buffet just kicking the shit out of everything.,1 6,1,1,2,6,"[""bitch""]",Son of a bitch!,1 7,1,1,3,7,"[""shit""]",Horseshit.,0 8,1,1,3,6,"[""shit""]",What a pile of horse shit.,0 9,1,1,3,7,"[""shit""]",And I am absolutely dogshit at painting.,0 10,1,1,3,2,"[""shit""]",The top three are absolutely shit.,1 11,1,1,3,7,"[""Christ""]","Ow, Jesus Christ!",0 12,1,1,3,4,"[""wank""]",Stop being such a wanker.,1 13,1,1,4,4,"[""shit""]",That's absolute bullshit.,0 14,1,1,6,2,"[""hell""]","Alex, what the hell are we gonna do about this?",1 15,1,1,6,6,"[""shit""]","On the plus side, I don't have that dogshit snow globe any more.",1